Contact Buckley O'Mell
VP, Advocacy

Ready to get involved with the chamber's young professionals?
Monthly Happy Hours
Each month, CLR hosts a happy hour at a different venue. This serves as a gathering place and networking opportunity not only for members to meet and stay in touch, but for new members to learn more about the organization and how to get plugged in. For the date and location of the next Happy Hour, check the CLR Facebook page.
Unplugged Speaker Series
This is a chance for Create Little Rock members to hear from and engage in dialogue with area business leaders in a casual atmosphere. Past speakers have included French Hill, Hugh McDonald, Marty Rhodes, and Millie Ward.
Land in the Rock
Create Little Rock’s annual Land in the Rock program is a series of summer events designed to entertain interns, law clerks and medical residents who are here for the summer and demonstrate to them what Little Rock has to offer, in hopes of their return after graduation.
Serve the Rock
Serve is CLR’s annual spring event showcasing area nonprofits. Each nonprofit sets up a booth and interacts with attendees. Think of it as a job fair for volunteerism with beer, wine and food included in the ticket price. It’s a great way to get involved in the community.
Think Big Little Rock
Conceived and funded by Fifty for the Future, implemented in partnership with Create Little Rock, and facilitated by the Arkansas Economic Development Institute at UA Little Rock (AEDI), Think Big Little Rock was a year-long strategic assessment aimed at improving the quality of place of the Little Rock region. The project was an inclusive and participatory process focused on an age group that traditionally has had little input in building Little Rock’s future – young professionals, ages 25 to 40.
PopUp in the Rock
An annual joint project between Create Little Rock and studioMAIN, a nonprofit design collective. It is part of a national movement known as the Better Block Project. It isn’t a street fair or a block party; rather, it’s a temporary urban demonstration – a live rendering – of what is possible. It exhibits important elements of the city, such as multiple transportation options and an active street edge, and provides activities that create community. CLR young professionals engage with community members to determine specific needs and institute changes such as bike lanes, pop-up shops, dining pop-ups, and entertainment. By transforming just a few blocks into a thriving, complete locale, PopUp in the Rock exemplifies the idea that developing potential, even block-by-block, can make our city better.